Портрет для фотомодели

Professional portrait for the model

Sunday, 17 June 2018
A portrait is a special image that reveals not only the outer beauty of a person, but also his inner world. In one portrait one can see a flicker in the eyes, on the other – touching dimples, and the third will show that the person is sad. A professional photographer is able to catch all these moments and make a really high-quality shot
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Interior through the camera lens

Thursday, 12 January 2017
How best to show the style and comfort of home, apartment, office? How to turn a potential customer into a buyer? If you are interested in these questions, then it’s time to invite a professional interior photographer. Shooting of any object – the process is very complex and responsible, there should not be room for templates.
Как выбрать фотографа для садьбы

How to choose a photographer for a wedding?

Wednesday, 04 January 2017
Marriage is a very touching and important event, the memory of which I want to carry through the years. For this pair, invite a professional wedding photographer who can make colorful and high-quality photos. But how to choose a really good specialist from many others who offer similar services?